
Community Councillors

Find your local community councillor - please note that community councils are not part of local government, they operate autonomously from the Council, and are responsible for their own decisions and actions. Contact information will only be displayed where the relevant consent has been provided to the council. There may be alternative methods to facilitate contact with community councils available as many facilitate their own websites or social media accounts. If there is no other method of contact, or the community council you wish to contact is currently listed as being dormant, please contact communitycouncils@argyll-bute.gov.uk for assistance.


Bute and Cowal
Area Community Councillors Position Email/Address Phone
Ardentinny Mark Rowthorn

Secretary ardentinnycc@gmail.com 07971 274392
Ardentinny John Brint

Convener ardentinnycc@gmail.com 07341 921457
Bute Jean Moffat

Convener jean.moffat@btinternet.com 01700 502565
Bute Theresa Nelson

Secretary termelnel@hotmail.com  
Cairndow Adrian Curtis

Convener adrian.curtis@icloud.com 07702 002816
Cairndow Louise Brownlee

Secretary communitycouncilcairndow@gmail.com  
Colintraive & Glendaruel Charles Dixon-Spain

Convener charles.dixonspain@gmail.com 07768 325031
Colintraive & Glendaruel Vacant

Secretary secretary@colglencommunitycouncil.org.uk  
Dunoon Gillian Robertson

Convener convener@dunooncommunitycouncil.co.uk  
Dunoon Tom McCowan



C/o Queen's Hall, 9 ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ Street, Dunoon, PA23 7HH ()


Hunter's Quay Roland Zielinski 

Hunter's Quay Juliette Gill

Secretary juliette.HQCC@gmail.com 07487 396640
Kilfinan Catriona Renfrew
Secretary secretary.kilfinancc@gmail.com 07967 494485 
Kilfinan Ed Pybus

Convener convenor.kilfinancc@gmail.com  
Kilmun Diane Nicholson

Convener nzmail4@gmail.com  07900 958588
Kilmun Janet Holm

Secretary janetholm@btinternet.com 07740 860331
Lochgoil Emma Lawrence

Convener emmalawrence2000@yahoo.co.uk 07793 962206
Lochgoil Peter Booth

Secretary lochgoilcommunity@gmail.com  
Sandbank Currently Dormant

Sandbank Currently Dormant

South Cowal Alan Stewart

Convener brackleystewarts@aol.com 07740 176287
South Cowal Michael Breslin

Secretary michael@breslin.scot 01369 870393
Strachur and District Archie Reid

Convener archie.reid2@btinternet.com 01369 860681
Strachur and District Iain Wilkie

Secretary iain.c.wilkie@gmail.com 01369 860165
Oban, Lorn and the Isles
Area Community Councillors Position Email/Address Phone
Appin Charles Steuart Fothringham

Convener convenor@appincommunitycouncil.co.uk  
Appin Vacant

Secretary secretary@appincommunitycouncil.co.uk  
Ardchattan John MacTavish




07590 399624
Ardchattan   Secretary ardchattanccsec@gmail.com   
Avich & Kilchrenan Chris Cowley

Convener chriscowley2015@gmail.com  
Avich & Kilchrenan Vacant

Coll Kirsty MacFarlane

Convener kirsty@collcommunitycouncil.org.uk  
Coll Jane Metcalfe

Secretary secretary@collcommunitycouncil.org.uk



Connel Peter S Sinclair

Convener shaun@sinclairplant.co.uk 07881 554168
Connel Sara Stephenson

Secretary ssteph13@icloud.com 07876 515354
Dunbeg Marion Power

Convener marionfpower@btinternet.com
Dunbeg Linda Robb

Secretary linda622robb@btinternet.com 01631 563248
Glenorchy & Innishail Vacant

Glenorchy & Innishail Vacant

Secretary gandiccouncil@gmail.com   
Iona Shiona Rhuemann

Convener iona-community-council@googlegroups.com 01681 700192
Iona Jane Martin

Secretary iona-community-council@googlegroups.com 01681 700643
Kilmore & Kilbride Fiona Dickie

Convener musdale@btinternet.com 01631 770239
Kilmore & Kilbride Vivien Barlow

Secretary KilmorekilbrideCC@aol.com
01631 770321 
Kilninver & Kilmelford Roanna Clark

Convener roanna22@hotmail.com 07765 892558
Kilninver & Kilmelford Gill Philpotts

Secretary gill@thephilpotts.me.uk 01852 316018
Lismore Archie McGillvray (temp appointment)

Lismore Mandie Currie (Temp Appointment)

Secretary mandielismore@btinternet.com  
Luing Innes MacQueen

Convener luingcommunitycouncil@gmail.com  
Luing Mary Braithwaite

Secretary luingcommunitycouncil@gmail.com 01852 314094
Mull John Maughan



07810 093426
Mull Rupert Ormond



01680 300073
Oban Frank Roberts

Convener frankmroberts@me.com 07540 611709
Oban Sue Barnard

Secretary sue.barnard47@gmail.com  
Seil & Easdale Guy Knight (Zim)

Convener seilandeasdalecc@gklawcosts.co.uk 07966 529685
Seil & Easdale Alex Wright Secretary alexwrightcc@gmail.com   
Taynuilt David Sloss

Convener davidsloss10@outlook.com 01866 822082
Taynuilt Donna Bannatyne

Secretary donnabannatyne@gmail.com 07850 676617
Tiree Gerard McGoogan 

Convener gerard@tireecommunitycouncil.co.uk  
Tiree Dr John Holliday

Secretary doc.holliday@tireecommunitycouncil.co.uk 01879 220385


Helensburgh and Lomond
Area Community Councillors Position Email/Address Phone
Arrochar, Tarbet & Ardlui Ronnie Ross Convener   01301 702286
Arrochar, Tarbet & Ardlui Michael Bainbridge Secretary ATandAcommunitycouncil@yahoo.com 07973 107847
Cardross Patrick M Trust Convener drpmtrust@btinternet.com 01389 841387
Cardross Duncan Stirling Secretary duncan_stirling@yahoo.co.uk 01389 841979
Cove & Kilcreggan John Auld Convener    
Cove & Kilcreggan Sheelagh O'Reilly Secretary sheelaghoreilly@hotmail.com  07760 375259
Garelochhead Currently Dormant Convener  
Garelochhead Currently Dormant Secretary  
Helensburgh Peter Brown Convener   01436 674202
Helensburgh Sarah Davies Secretary sarahdaviesde@yahoo.co.uk 07845 193590
Luss & Arden Alison Charters Convener alison_charters@hotmail.co.uk  
Luss & Arden Andrea Wightman Secretary andrea@ptarmiganevents.co.uk
Rhu & Shandon John McGall Convener john.mcgall1@btinternet.com 01436 820465
Rhu & Shandon Jean Cook Secretary secretary@rhuandshandoncommunity.org 01436 820314
Rosneath & Clynder Robert G MacIntyre Convener   01436 810308
Rosneath & Clynder Kenneth Smith Secretary richard.jianping@hotmail.com 01436 831644
Mid-ºúÌÒÅ®Éñ, Kintyre and Islay
Area Community Councillors Position Email/Address Phone
 Ardrishaig Christine MacIntyre Convener howbeg@gmail.com 07769 637754
 Ardrishaig Gillian Hogarth Secretary gmhogarth@gmail.com   
 Campbeltown Valerie Nimmo Convener valerie.nimmo18@btinternet.com 07957 771738
 Campbeltown Vacant Secretary    
 Colonsay William Joll Convener william_joll@hotmail.co.uk 01951 200230
 Colonsay Clare Hay Secretary clare.hay@btinternet.com 07712 189356
 Craignish Reece Kelly Convener rkellyproject@gmail.com 01852 500320
 Craignish Robin Fitzpatrick Secretary bobski_12@hotmail.com 07840 370174
 Dunadd George Stewart Convener secretary@dunaddcc.org  
 Dunadd Hazel Fuller Secretary secretary@dunaddcc.org  
 East Kintyre Ian Brodie Convener brodie.ekcc@yahoo.com 01583 431348
 East Kintyre vacant Secretary    
 Furnace Mark Boston Convener furnacecommunitycouncil@furnace-argyll.org 07710 934273
 Furnace Sarah Nixon Secretary furnacecommunitycouncil@furnace-argyll.org  
 Gigha John Bannatyne Convener johngigha@hotmail.co.uk  
 Gigha Vacant Secretary    
 Inveraray Linda Divers Convener Inveraray@btinternet.com 07388 165366
 Inveraray Julie Hendry Secretary inveraray@btinternet.com 07775 726332
 Islay Islay McEachern Convener mcbros@hotmail.co.uk 07798 531199
 Islay Jim Porteous Secretary jimporteous@outlook.com 07808 088555
 Jura   Secretary juracommunitycouncil@hotmail.com 
 Jura Vacant Convener    
 Lochgilphead Andy Buntin Convener andy.buntin1@btinternet.com 01546 602855
 Lochgilphead Malcolm Sinclair Secretary malky919@hotmail.co.uk 01546 600458
 North Knapdale  Iain Ritchie Convener iainjritchie@msn.com 01546 830268
 North Knapdale Richard Stein Secretary Richard@homestein.co.uk 01546 830233
 South Knapdale Heather Moore Convener secretary@skcc.scot   
 South Knapdale Nicola Spokes Secretary secretary@skcc.scot   
 Southend John Bakes Convener johnbakes15@btinternet.com 01586 830655
 Southend Lorna Bell Secretary southendcc2025@gmail.com  
 Tarbert and Skipness Timothy James Convener timwrjames56@gmail.com 01880 760378
 Tarbert and Skipness Vacant Secretary    
 The Laggan Sandra Mathieson Convener laggan.community.council@gmail.com  
 The Laggan Vacant Secretary laggan.community.council@gmail.com 
 West Kintyre Margaret Pratt Convener margaretpratt@btinternet.com 01880 730244
 West Kintyre Alan Coote Secretary westkintyrecc@yahoo.com
 West Lochfyne David Wilkinson Convener davewilkinson193@gmail.com 01546 886335
West Lochfyne   Secretary secretary@westlochfynecc.co.uk 


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